
Uses of Class

Packages that use IdSet

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments that return IdSet
 IdSet HeuristicResult.getIncumbent()

Constructors in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments with parameters of type IdSet
HeuristicResult(long time, long totalTime, int poolSize, IdSet incumbent, Quality quality)
          Full constructor.

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments.interfaces

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments.interfaces with parameters of type IdSet
 Quality QualityMeasurement.measure(Experiment experiment, IdSet solution)
          Returns the quality of the provided solution in the context of the provided experiment.

Method parameters in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments.interfaces with type arguments of type IdSet
 void HeuristicCallback.finished(List<IdSet> feasiblePool)
          Report that a heuristic has finished and get the pool of solutions from the argument.
 void ImprovementHeuristic.start(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> feasiblePool, HeuristicCallback callback)
          Start the heuristic run.
 Pair<Boolean,String> TerminationCriterion.terminate(Experiment experiment, long time, List<IdSet> solutions)
          Returns a flag whether to terminate the iterations of the metaheuristic.

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments.quality

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments.quality with parameters of type IdSet
 Quality Weight.measure(Experiment experiment, IdSet solution)

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments.termination

Method parameters in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments.termination with type arguments of type IdSet
 Pair<Boolean,String> TimeIterations.terminate(Experiment experiment, long time, List<IdSet> solutions)

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.gui

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.gui with parameters of type IdSet
 void IdSetPanel.setModel(IdSet idSet, AMModel model, double alpha, double beta)
          Sets the model in this panel, thus displaying the list of AMs in the provided ID set.

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.heuristics.construction.fidax

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.heuristics.construction.fidax that return IdSet
static IdSet FidaxAlgorithm.findIDSet(AMModel model, double alpha, double beta)
          Finds the "best" ID set in the specified attribute mapping model.

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.heuristics.construction.glpk

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.heuristics.construction.glpk that return IdSet
static IdSet GlpkOutputParser.getIDSet(String output, AMModel model)
          Parses the string representing the GLPK optimization result and returns a list of attribute mappings belonging to the "optimal" ID set.
static IdSet GlpkOutputParser.getIDSet(String output, AMModel model, boolean isFixed)
          Parses the string representing the GLPK optimization result and returns a list of attribute mappings belonging to the "optimal" ID set.

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.heuristics.improvement

Method parameters in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.heuristics.improvement with type arguments of type IdSet
 void Crossover.start(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> feasiblePool, HeuristicCallback callback)
 void Identity.start(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> feasiblePool, HeuristicCallback callback)
 void RemoveWorst.start(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> feasiblePool, HeuristicCallback callback)
 void LocalBranching.start(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> feasiblePool, HeuristicCallback callback)
 void Mutation.start(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> feasiblePool, HeuristicCallback callback)
 void RandomRemove.start(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> feasiblePool, HeuristicCallback callback)
 void Hungry.start(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> feasiblePool, HeuristicCallback callback)

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.idref

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.idref with parameters of type IdSet
static List<AttributeMappingId> IdRefSearch.getIdRefList(AMModel model, IdSet idSet)
          For a provided AM model and known ID set returns a list of attribute mapping IDs that can be declared IDREF.

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.objects

Fields in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.objects declared as IdSet
static IdSet IdSet.EMPTY
          An empty ID set.

Uses of IdSet in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.utils

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.utils that return IdSet
static IdSet Utils.getWorst(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> solutions)
          Returns the worst solution from the provided pool in the context of the provided experiment.

Methods in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.utils that return types with arguments of type IdSet
static Pair<IdSet,Quality> Utils.getBest(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> solutions)
          Returns the best solution from the provided pool in the context of the provided experiment.

Method parameters in cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.utils with type arguments of type IdSet
static Pair<IdSet,Quality> Utils.getBest(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> solutions)
          Returns the best solution from the provided pool in the context of the provided experiment.
static IdSet Utils.getWorst(Experiment experiment, List<IdSet> solutions)
          Returns the worst solution from the provided pool in the context of the provided experiment.


Generated on Fri Dec 9 00:01:25 CET 2011