
Interface TerminationCriterion

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TerminationCriterion

Interface encapsulating the decision whether to stop running the metaheuristics. This is based on the total time already spent as well as any properties of the solutions found so far.

Method Summary
 Pair<Boolean,String> terminate(Experiment experiment, long time, List<IdSet> solutions)
          Returns a flag whether to terminate the iterations of the metaheuristic.

Method Detail


Pair<Boolean,String> terminate(Experiment experiment,
                               long time,
                               List<IdSet> solutions)
Returns a flag whether to terminate the iterations of the metaheuristic.

experiment - Experiment in context of which to measure the quality.
time - Total time taken so far.
solutions - The pool solutions that were produced in the last run.
The first item of the pair is true if the metaheuristic should be terminated, false otherwise. The second is a string describing why the metaheuristics was terminated, in user-friendly language.


Generated on Fri Dec 9 00:01:25 CET 2011