
Package cz.cuni.mff.ksi.jinfer.iss.experiments.sets

Class Summary
AbstractChainedIHs Base class for experiments testing the performance of a chain of IHs.
BestIHForGlpk Experiment finding the best IH for GLPK as CH.
BestStandaloneCH Experiment comparing all the CHs, without any IHs.
ChainedIHs1 Experiment testing the performance of Scenario 1: RR, MUT, RR, CX, RW.
ChainedIHs1Tweak Experiment tweaking settings in chained IHs scenario 1.
ChainedIHs2 Experiment testing the performance of Scenario 2: CX, RW, MUT.
ChainedIHs3 Experiment testing the performance of Scenario 3: CX, RR, MUT, RW, LB, RW, H.
CHForMutation This experimental set compares Random and Glpk as CHs for Mutation IH.
FidaxWithHungry Experiment determining whether FIDAX can be improved with Hungry.
GlpkInterfaceTiming Runs all the official test data to see how long it takes them to communicate with GLPK (which is used as CH, no time limit).
GrammarModelTiming Runs all the official test data to see how long it takes them to extract grammar and create model.
IgnoreTextData This experiment compares performance when ignoring text data.
PingAll Test experiment to touch all the official test data files.
RandomVsFuzzyVsFidaxStart Experiment comparing Random, Fuzzy and FIDAX construction heuristics, only their first steps.
TimeQuality Experiment measuring quality depending on how long we let the GLPK construction run.
TimeTillOptimum Experiment measuring how long it takes to reach the optimum, based on the input size.
VariousBetas Experiment comparing effects of various values of parameters alpha and beta.


Generated on Fri Dec 9 00:01:25 CET 2011